Photography Online Workshop with legendary Stephen Wayda

$150.00 - $990.00

Crazy Sexy Cool!
An Online Coaching Experience with Stephen Wayda,
Playboy’s Legendary Master Photographer

Hugh Hefner has written that “for over 30 years Wayda has shared my dream and vision…His influence on photography cannot be overstated. His evolving styles, his sense of sexuality …brought the Playboy dream to life…Playboy is read for its photographs, and what readers saw in his photographs…was the American dream made real.”
In this 4-hour online coaching session Wayda will share his secrets on how you can create glamorous, compelling and memorable pictures in a style like no other Playboy photographer.
Wayda will share what made his photography different from all other photographers in Playboy’s history. This coaching experience caters to both beginning and advanced photographers, providing a new universal look at photography.

• Date: Sat 9th November 2024
• Time: 9AM - 1:30 PM PST (inc. 30 min break)
• Cost: $590 per person (or $990 for 1-to-1 on a different date)
• Deposit: 100%
• Max number of places: 5

Optional: 1h individual follow-up session to gain feeback on further photographs of yours.
Cost: 150€

What you will gain in this photography class:

1. What Wayda feels are the most important overriding principals for your photography.
2. Wayda’s view on seeing and experiencing the world and how it applies to your photography.
3. Cameras, lighting and techniques for both studio and location photography.
4. Advice on how to get the most from your model.
5. Wayda’s personal success factors in creating exceptional pictures.
6. Lesson learned over 40 years of photography.
7. Failure and success.
8. Feedback and guidance on what you feel is your best photograph. (1 Photograph each)
9. A question-and-answer session.

Note on Payment process: please fill out the shipping information even though this product is a service and will not be shipped. Thank you.